Easy breezy days of summer

Living in a country with four seasons is wonderful. Every three months the local climate and ecology changes in rather significant ways. It is truly a gift of nature to observe these changes on large and small scales. It seems as though a local urban street transforms from a dark cloudy and grey bland of autumn and spring to the glistening white snow of winter or sparkly colourful meadows of summertime. Breathing in beauty that surrounds us is restorative and healing. We all experience the healing powers of nature when we allow ourselves to sit along a peaceful shoreline or walk quietly along a wooded path.

Daily Wellness practices include small acts of attentiveness to the beauty that surrounds us. Summer blossoms invite us to notice colour, scents, and stunningly pleasing views that truly have therapeutic impact. So, take time to let go of your daily work related stresses and allow nature to lead you on a path of healing. Your heart and breathing rates will calm down as your sense of wonder and awe emerge. Beauty is naturally attractive. Allow yourself to experience the curative experience that nature holds, and notice the changes it has on your mood, relationships, and productivity. Enjoy your mindful walks this summer and soak in all the beauty that nature has in store.

How do you help your clients develop deliberate and mindful practices in nature? Do you infuse reflections about beauty in your clinical work? What are your own biases about beauty that may interfere with the healing potential of seasonal health? #wellness #healing #mindfulness #stillness #awe


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