Visualizing your goals helps to ensure success !

Perseverance is a key attribute of success. It is the resolve to get something done. Reflective practitioners develop a set of professional goals and work to achieve these with the support of colleagues and friends. Social Workers have a variety of effective practice-approaches for use with people. Some approaches are effective with certain identified problems, people, and events, and others are not. Developing a sophisticated clinical repertoire occurs over several years and in a variety of settings where social work is offered. It is common to resonate with and develop approaches that more easily fit with your own perspectives, values, cultural beliefs, and folkloric traditions. Clinical discretion is often a theoretical melange of the personal, the political, and the other. Professional and personal values are able to co-exist well in social work without conflict. The other here refers to a client system consenting to intervention, and not to a particular person or population per se. There is no way to expunge the clinician from the clinical work at hand. In fact, a clinical social worker is a mediator or tool through which substantive work happens. It is this very point that makes social work an intense profession that requires clinical supervision and a thoughtful philosophy of care. Social work is a discrete profession that recognizes the importance of people in the work. Building a healthy boundary for this important emotional work to happen is a vital social work role as it provides the strong base upon which people are able to work through their own healing.

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